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All Area Basketball League
Frederick County Winter Basketball
The All Area Basketball League (AABL) began as the only winter league for 9th Grade Student athletes in Frederick County to represent their respective school districts since the removal of FCPS Freshmen athletics. Since that time the All Area Basketball League has expanded to offer a Varsity division for athletes in 10th - 12th grade. In the 2024-2025 Winter season the All Area Basketball League will continue to expand our Middle School division. The three divisions Middle School, Freshmen and Varsity have their own focus points that are provided below.
2023-2024 All Area Basketball League
11th/12th Grade Champions:
2023-2024 All Area Basketball League
5th/6th Grade Champions:
AABL Structure 2024-2025 AABL Schedule AABL Standings
The All Area Basketball League is open to community recreation councils, independent teams and limited individual registrations (individuals will be placed on a team). The focus of the AABL is to provide athletes a safe, fun and competitive basketball environment during the Winter season
to enjoy the game while giving their all in effort to win!
Conferences will be created by teams skill level and grade.
2023-2024 All Area Basketball League
7th/8th Grade Champions:
Crestwood Cavaliers
2023-2024 All Area Basketball League
9th/10th Grade Champions:
Edge Gods
2023-2024 All Area Basketball League
Most Valuable Player:
Elijah Jean-Jacques
The All Area Basketball League (AABL) Introduced the Middle School Division this 2023-2024 winter season for student athletes to compete in recreational basketball games. This 2024-2025 season we continue the Middle School division as the All Area Basketball League has been established as a primary winter basketball league in Frederick County for organizations, recreation councils and independent team entries. Benefits of participating in the All Area Basketball League:
*Experienced staff, over 20 years of organizing and hosting basketball leagues
*Trained and Board Certified Officating at every game
*Home & Away Game Scheduling
*Game Day Management Support
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